Digital Content Marketing Blogs

How to Turn Your Social Media Activities into Customers - 3 Easy Steps

Written by Paula Agius | 05-Feb-2018 21:55:00

Did you know the number one use of the internet today is social media? Your potential customers are all there, checking updates hourly (or more!) and posting content several times a day.

You’ve heard all the hype about it, and your business has probably joined the fray, but it’s difficult to visualise how your brand will actually gain customers and a return on investment (ROI) from it all, especially when it can take up so much time.

Don’t worry- you’re not alone.

Many businesses know that they should be both present and active online, but can’t seem to work out how to harness its power to actually put some runs on the board.

But it is possible!

So here are the 3 ways to give more purpose to your posts, and turn those users into customers!

1. The Right Strategy from The Start

Just like any business activity, there should be a solid strategy behind what you do online, especially as it’s easy to get carried away with the infinite world that is social media. So let's answer some questions:

  • Who are your target audiences?
  • What appeals to them?
  • Where are they on social media?
  • How will you approach social media?
  • How frequently will your brand be active?
  • Who will be responsible. 

Aim for a consistent approach in the way you use your business’ social media pages so that there is tailored and consistent messaging which draws in the right crowd and delivers them the content they want, when they want it.


2. Build Intrigue Through Value

Once you have your strategy ready, it’s time so start posting your content. Social media is about the ‘soft sell’: continually nurturing interest and trust from your target audience by presenting them with relevant material that offers value.

Once you achieve this, your audience will frequently check your updates and grow familiarity and trust with your business and brand so that when the right call to action comes up, they’ll be motivated to become a paying customer. 


3. Your Website Is Key

Don't hate me, but your website is an important tool in your social media marketing strategy. Social media is not a standalone activity and won’t convert fans into customers by itself. Instead, it should be used as an ‘amplification’ tool - a way to further the reach of your website’s content, and attract people back to it so that they can ultimately become paying customers.

For example, if you have a product or special deal on offer, this can be shared on your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts, with a call-to-action that leads back to your website. A user sees your post, is interested and clicks through, and is led to the relevant page on your site where they can learn more, make an enquiry, or make the purchase then and there.

The easier your website allows them to make take the required action (download information, make the purchase), the greater the chance you will have to convert the sale.

Handy tip: don't just send people to your home page. Make sure you send them to the page that's relevant to your post.


Let's Get You Started

Target Audiences - If you'd like to do some work around who you're targeting (who your prospective customers are), download our Buyer Personas Template. It contains instructions and examples, but we're always here to help if you get stuck.

Content Calendar - If you'd like to start mapping out your social media content to ensure you're creating the right content for the right people at the right time, and stay on track with your goals and strategy, download our 2018 Campaign & Content Marketing Calendar.

There's no limit, you can download both now!

More Help - If you'd like a little more advice on what this all means, or how to build a social media strategy for yourself, contact us. We understand that many businesses - like yours - can see the importance of social media marketing, but need a little help on where to begin, and how to make it count.

See you on socials!