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How Content Marketing Attracts More Leads Into Your Sales Funnel

By Paula Agius on 13-Feb-2018 08:50:00

Content Marketing has become a bit of a buzz concept today as people and organisations venture more online. But what does it actually mean? And how does it drive leads to your business?

Content has become the most critical ingredient in raising brand awareness and attracting potential customers into your sales funnel, so it’s super important your business is producing the right kinds of content, in the right form, and at the right time, to grow your lead channels and reach your goals.

Here’s all you need to know!

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SEO: How to Rank on Search Results

By Paula Agius on 01-Feb-2018 08:30:00

By now, we all know how important SEO is for our business, but with changes and updates constantly being made by search engines like Google, it can be hard to keep up. You'd be forgiven for thinking SEO must be some kind of fairy dust bestowed upon the elite websites of the world – or simply a mates-deal with Google.

It’s not.

So today we're demystifying SEO: what it is, why we need it, how it works, and how 'get it'.

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Nine Not-So-Intrusive Alternatives to Annoying Pop-Up Ads

By Paula Agius on 08-Jun-2015 20:55:00

The thread, “The fact that I’ve been on your website for more than 25 seconds DOES NOT MEAN that I want your free e-book in exchange for my name and my email address,” sparked an interesting question:

“Were pop-up ads on your website something that still generated leads, or did they serve to simply turn your prospects off?”

“Everyone is doing them,” “…annoying,” “…rarely sign up,” “…on too fast.”

Does a one-stop, collect-all style content marketing solution work for every type of buyer at every stage of their purchase journey? Or are you missing information about pop-up advertising that might be more relevant to your buyers?

First, some pop-up ad facts:

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